1066 Swimmers


SSL Certificate Authority

Contact information

1066 swimmers is run by its members, for its members. The running of the club is organised across the main committee and the Coaching/Teaching team, supported by a number of volunteers.


Chair :  Kim Appleford
Secretary: (Lessons) 
Secretary :(Squads) Peter Hazleton
Treasurer :  Mandy Hazleton
Welfare Officer :  Chris Russell
Membership : Mandy Hazleton
Opens : Mark Sargent
Teaching Coordinator :  Tracey Peppiatt
Head Coach : Dean Baker

Website editor : Phil Williams : web-editorhat1066swimmers.org.uk

Contact Form

You can use this form to send emails to 1066 swimmers.
Please provide details of your query and we'll get back to you as soon as possible


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Type your query/comment:*
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©1066 derived from ... SCSC 15-02-2012 [V4b-PAC]